Some sohih hadis taken from Muntakhab Hadis for 7 qualities below,1. Emaan, kalima tayyiba2. Namaz3. Ilm and Zikr4. Ekraam al-muslim5. Ekhlas6. Dawah & Tabligh7. Get Rid of Unnecessary speech and ActivitiesHadis can be searched with Bangla / Arabic / English.Arabic hadis is provided. Meaning is provided in Bangla and English.Bangla Islamic appTopOfStack Software Limited****************************Bengali Islamic applicationsMuntakhaba Hadith Book is a very popular tradition. This kitabakhana one hundred percent pure, authentic hadith were compiled. Not only that, each of the references in the hadith that has been presented so beautifully. So this hadith book has been widely favorite.1. Muntakhaba hadith, -1 part of the Word, faithII. Muntakhaba hadith, part II Prayer3. Muntakhaba hadith, the flair and jikira -34. Muntakhaba Hadith, the Muslim -4 ekarame5. Muntakhaba hadith, part of the intention of ekhalase -56. Muntakhaba hadith, part of the message and preaching -67. Muntakhaba hadith, the sayings and actions of unnecessary -7 Bacha